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Kabina was founded to provide imaginative solutions to the social and environmental challenges we face.


Britain has an abundance of suitable flood risk land which can be safely developed with appropriate, adaptive building methods.


Today, we continue to build in flood risk areas using unsuitable traditional methods belying the increased risk of flooding events....


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Neil Cheston

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Neil comes from the marine industry, working for many years with engineers and craftsmen to deliver state-of-the-art projects in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK.

He sets the Kabina strategy and leads a team of technical and commercial specialists.

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Guy Lane

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Guy trained in business and marketing and ran a brand and design consultancy in London for many years.


He runs the day-to-day operations of the business.

Principal technical consultants

Dan Primrose
Lead Designer & Engineer

Dan is the technical lead on the patented Kabina Method.

Dan's consulting clients include BMW, Bentley, Ferrari, Red Bull & Ben Ainslie Racing. He specialises in developing visionary concepts into commercially viable products.

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Koen Olthuis
Water Architect

Koen is Kabina's lead water architect. A world renound thinker and author on the subject of living with water.

Olthuis is founder of the Dutch architectural firm, Waterstudio.NL, which specialises in floating structures to counter concerns of floods and rising sea levels. 

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Justin Meredith
Principal Flood-risk Analyst

Justin is a renowned UK flood expert and principal adviser to the Kabina planning team.

Justin is MD of Floodline Consulting Ltd, an awarding winning Civil Engineering practice specialising in sustainable development and flood risk management.

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